Young Talent Community

The Young Talent Community was created with the aim of connecting all young talents across the Forvia group. What is its main objective and how did it come into existence?
The entire project originated from the initial connection between a student and a VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) with the purpose of regular meetings to improve English skills. And why not combine the pleasant with the useful? The Young Talent Community is intended for working students, VIE participants, and young talents from all our facilities in the Czech Republic. Its main goal is to bring together young talents, enhance their communication across different facilities, establish collaboration in both work and leisure activities, and facilitate better integration into the Forvia group after completing the Trainee program or VIE mission.
And what have we already achieved within the Young Talent Community?
One of the first activities was an informal gathering in Prague, where everyone spent a pleasant afternoon together. However, there is much more in store for us. In the near future, we plan to participate in a public sports event representing FORVIA.