Our Convictions
As a company, we believe that acting responsibly is key to ensure the sustainable development of our ecosystem for future generations. By acting responsibly, we create long term value for all our stakeholders and ensure the perennity of our company. This is the reason why we have defined our convictions.
Through deploying these convictions into concrete actions focusing on the Environment, Business and People, we want to make a difference.

We want to help cap the rise in temperature by reducing the carbon footprint of our activities and offering solutions for sustainable mobility. We support national and international organizations to reduce global warming and respect their principles. We have a responsibility to prevent and remedy pollution at all our production sites and within our local communities. Air quality poses an increasing threat to health in cities. Through our solutions and partnerships we work to reduce pollutant emissions and improve air quality.

Technology is rapidly changing our business models and working methods. We must anticipate the next trends, remain agile and invest in innovation and education. We strive to ensure the employability of our employees throughout their working life through lifelong learning, professional mobility and on the job training. This is the best guarantee for ensuring that everyone can reap the benefits of technological advances and changing work practices. For younger generations we have extensive programs of apprenticeships, work/study, volunteers for international experience (VIE) and internships that both provide Faurecia with a talent pool and enable extensive on the job training and cultural integration.

In a world which never stops changing we must invest in our future and in particular in technology, new business models and learning. We must preserve natural resources and meet environmental challenges for the well-being of future generations. At the same time, in order to maintain the confidence of our customers and shareholders we must deliver short term financial and operational performance. We must be able to balance both long term and short term and not jeopardize one at the expense of another. Our culture enables us to combine rigor and discipline in short-term execution with a long term vision.

We believe in a system of transparency and dialogue. Each of us can voice an opinion, criticism, or alternative suggestion or report a violation without fear of personal consequences and in complete transparency. We believe in open, responsible and balanced dialogue, based on mutual recognition and an acceptance of the legitimacy of each viewpoint. Our relationship with our suppliers is guided by the principles of respect and partnership to create long term value for both parties. We view and respect collective representation of employees and social dialogue in the same proactive and constructive spirit.

Diversity in our workforce with regard to gender, place of origin, cultural or educational background, experience or any other difference is a source of strength. Thanks to our diversity, we have a better understanding of customer expectations and we take better decisions. We encourage the broadest possible diversity through recruitment and career management and by fostering workplace conditions and a flexible organization that are adapted to individual needs.

We are a member of the community in each region where we operate worldwide. We contribute to economic development and the creation of social value by hiring at the local level, providing career training and advancement for employees and through a commitment to ethics and social responsibility. Above and beyond our legal obligations, we have a responsibility to maintain a frank and ongoing dialogue with the communities that surround our sites, to ensure that our operations are harmoniously integrated into each region. As appropriate, we initiate or contribute to projects and programs that address local needs, by offering our expertise and resources in support.
Our Values
Our values guide our actions and our behaviors and allow us to achieve our ambition: to become a valued key player in the new automotive landscape providing intelligent and disruptive solutions for an enhanced and sustainable mobility experience.

In order to generate value we are customer-centric, we look to the future, we are agile and we support responsible risk taking in order to seize new opportunities, to develop new business models and new technologies. We take decisions rapidly and accept the need to fail fast to succeed quickly

We are empowered to manage within our area of responsibility and we act in the best interests of the company as a whole. We respect the Group’s rules and apply them in order to exceed our customer expectations throughout the business cycle from innovation to production.

We take full ownership of our actions. We are committed to business performance and people development. We balance the short and long term. We understand our customers’ needs and work in a spirit of partnership to resolve any problems.

We establish lasting relationships based on mutual respect with all our stakeholders – customers, suppliers, partners, employees and shareholders. Each of our employees is shown respect in the workplace at all times and we do not tolerate any breach of this fundamental principle nor any form of discrimination. Workplace health and safety are fundamental components of our corporate culture and a prerequisite for well-being in the workplace.

We all act as role models using our management code as a guide for behavior. Ethical requirements dictate our business conduct and govern our operating rules. We maintain an exceptionally clear Code of Ethics, but the company’s exemplary behavior depends on each employee’s complete attention. As a result, we expect a consistent commitment and unwavering compliance and vigilance from every worker. That is particularly the case with regard to antitrust activity, corruption and fraud, which are never tolerated.

We mobilize the drive and passion of employees to achieve ambitious goals and develop value-creating innovations. We anticipate future trends and react to changing situations with agility and speed. We are customer-centric and a responsible and reliable business partner of our stakeholders. We use teamwork as the basis for making and implementing decisions. We manage our time to provide the appropriate balance of execution, learning and transformation.
Faurecia strongly supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2019, Faurecia has identified the main SDGs it is contributing to through its CSR actions and its operations, as reflected on our Sustainability roadmap.